Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What I Learned In Vet School Today: Russian Water, Cloned Sheep, & Dolly Parton

Okay so this isn't going to be the most exciting post ever, but I need some way to decompress so I figured I would write a post. Today was my second day of classes and guess what…I'm still alive. It's a bit overwhelming, but I'm doing my best to work through it. So here's a compiled list of the most important things I learned today in vet school. Haha, ok so the first thing I learned was not get out of the car so that you not only hit a moving car with your door, but also so that you're water bottle doesn't burst out of your backpack and roll under the moving car. I also learned another important lesson regarding water bottles: Don't drop them more than once b/c they crack :(.  Regarding the second incident with the water bottle I also learned not to wear flip flops on a rainy wet day in doorways without mats to wipe your feet, you see you end up falling and banging your knee and unfortunately breaking your water bottle. Anyway all joking aside, I learned today that I should have taken an anatomy course in undergrad, if you are pre-vet and you are reading this I would HIGHLY recommend taking anatomy so it won't be so overwhelming. I learned that it is possible to both print class notes and go to the financial aid office within one hours time ( a feat I thought was absolutely going to be impossible on "Island Time")…I even got to scarf down my granola bar. I also learned that while I can't understand my histology professor he is a really funny guy and I enjoy his accent most of the time. By the way I'm still not over "nuc-le-oos", LOL. I learned today that my histology professor also calls vodka Russian water which I found hysterical. Apparently if you drink too much "Russian water" the alcohol starts to break down tight junctions in the terminal bars of the stomach lining cells which leaves those cells unprotected from the acidic gastric juices within the stomach. That's why some people experience "heart burn" the morning after they party to hard! Apparently this is how some Russian president guy died at some point…I learned that today too! Another interesting fact brought to you from my histology professor is regarding Dolly Parton's breasts (well sort of). So apparently Dolly (the sheep that was cloned back in 1997) was named after Dolly Parton, something I did not know before today and here's the reason why. Okay so when they created Dolly they took a mammary cell (if you don't know this, these cells in the breast) and implanted into a donor egg cell in order to create the clone. Since Dolly Parton has a very voluptuous bosom they named the cloned sheep Dolly. I think I'll end on that note, but I also want to mention that I learned today that deli chicken, hummus, American cheese, and cucumbers on a spinach wrap makes a very good lunch in case you have followed my amazing sandwich making abilities before and wanted to try something new. Oh and before I forget, I learned today that even though I've only known these people for a little over a week they are the most supportive and amazing people ever!!! Alright, I got to go study some important stuff for like a zillion hours so Byeee!


  1. Glad you're having a great time so far and congrats!!!!

    Haha that professor guy reminds me of a high school biology teacher I had named Doctor Rogers. This woman was reaaally smart, but not the best teacher because she was a French immigrant who pronounced shit sooooo weirdly. Nonetheless, she was very nice and so it was still a pretty good experience to have had her...hopefully you won't be as affected by your professor as I was by her...at least you already know much of the vet-related jargon (I, on the other hand, spent much time being confused by words that sounded like "talaoweed" for instance! Wtf did/does that mean??? Soon after I had an "ah-hah!" moment when I realized something I read in our textbook was actually the same thing as whatever the fuck word she was tryin to say!...haha clearly it hasn't stuck with me now though as I forget the true name of said word.

    So I'm curious: if you have this whitecoat shit before, what happens if somebody doesn't graduate? Maybe a little hasty...though I guess for people like you who will def finish, it's a great ceremony. Glad you finally got your lab coat to solidify your animal geek status! =P

    Last thing, just for some house-keeping...haha wtf do some of your sentences mean? I'll chalk it up to your lack of free time for now, but a little proof-reading would help me learn so much more about your experiences...yeah...okay...hope that doesn't make me sound like an asshole...just wanna be able to wrap my head around all your sentences

    WELP, that's all for now! Ready yourself for future comments :)

  2. Aron read my other post where I apologize for being a complete idiot for leaving out words and making no sense! Again, sorry :)

  3. Haha yeah... I read that soon after...haha then again, when I continued to read said article after your appology I noticed the continued errors...welp, at least they were noticeably much less egregious lol
